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Students & Families

Are you ready to begin your journey to college?

Our Spring Application is OPEN! The deadline to apply is Saturday, April 19.

You can also learn about our application process below.

Waukegan to College is a team of experts who will guide your student through a pathway of success. With family support, workshops, tutoring, resume building, scholarships, and more, we can create brighter futures for Waukegan's scholars.

What We Do

Our approach is student-centered and holistic in nature. Parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in program elements such as academic advising, college campus visits, and workshops. We focus on academic success and the whole person, emphasizing well-being, self-care, and leadership.

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6-year college graduation rate


in financial aid and scholarships


of students with
> 3.0 GPA in math
and English


colleges and universities accept our scholars


total college graduates since 2009


Family-Based Academic Advising

We help families not familiar with the US educational system understand how it works, especially post-secondary education. We remove anxieties, increase knowledge, and offer home strategies to support their student’s classroom success.

Expanding Horizons

Yearly, we host 10+ field trips to cultural events and institutions, and career and technical venues, sparking student interest in learning and careers and motivating families/students to achieve their academic and participation goals.

Family Workshops

Monthly, 2-hour sessions on "College Admissions 101", "How to Manage Stress and Anxiety” and “What to Look for on a College Visit” are some of the topics we cover, both in English and Spanish. We pick and update topics based on family feedback and top concerns.



Read to Achieve

Personalized, 1:1 sessions with a coach for struggling readers helps build confidence and increases comprehension and competency. A big win is a student who discovers reading for fun!

Tutoring & Mentoring

Our volunteer tutors help students complete homework assignments, study for tests, and learn organization and time management skills, among other tactics. We pair personal mentors with students needing more support and guidance. 

Preparation for College Access

From standardized test prep, to College Week, where rising seniors learn about the college application process, we empower students to make informed choices. The work continues at Application Boot Camp when students focus on their applications and families learn about financial aid and FAFSA.


​For seniors, days are full: submitting school and scholarship applications; attending weekly Scholarship Club meetings; early action/early decision strategies… we are here to guide them through the critical activities and big choices.


At our Decision Day party in May, we celebrate all the hard work and great results!

College Persistence

Nationally, about one in 10 first-generation, low-income students of color will finish college and earn their degree. We work to ensure students earn that degree. Our College Persistence Manager relays to students valuable information about scholarship opportunities and internships, and visits first-year students to address and advise on any student issues.

Math Skill Building with Khan Academy

Khan Academy’s online learning tool, along with individualized coaching by our volunteers, allow students to progress and accumulate knowledge at their own pace, from tackling basic skills to deciphering and solving more advanced equations.

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